Friday, May 29, 2009

Okay, ganz ganz kurz nur :)
Fahren morgen nach Kühlunsborn (Kaff Nähe Rostock...) mit 11 maschinenbauern. Die Mädels sind ja alle benimmtechnisch weiblicher als ich (ruhiger, weniger schlchte Witze, evtl. bessere Manieren xDDD) aber die JUNGS.
xDD Entweder wird das total lustig oder das Niveau taucht am anderen Ende der Erde wieder weinend auf. Naja, mal sehen, Bilder gibts dann später noch. Wobei. Ich muss noch die Kamera startklar machen!! *streeeeeeess*

Hoffe, euch beiden geht es auch gut und das Wetter bleibt schön!!
@Ina: xDDD baaaaaaaaaaald!! muaahahaha!! *freu*

Sunday, May 10, 2009

the wonder of other places

today is saturday. or should i say: was.
we, that is me and magnus, and yes, i use the pronoun we, decided to go to durham, which is a 15 minutes train ride away from newcastle. exams are coming up soon, and i am still stuck in an oral exam and essay crisis/stress.
i would say i am in a crisis rather than in stress, for i don't really feel stress until about a week beforehand, and severly stressed i become two nights before.
so we decided to escape that unhealthy environment for a day to go to durham on a trip.

i have been to durham one time, it was bad weather and i only got to see the university and the famous cathedral, which is about a thousand years old, from the outside. actually from a riverbank. it might sound really romantic to you, and i will confirm you, it is really romantic.
durham is a small little old english town. yes, not industrial and vibrant and "big" like newcastle. it is quiet and has little winding streets.

when we arrived, it was quite good weather, if you can call it that in england. i actually have been haunted for such a long time now, by degrees under the number of 20... if we are lucky, we have 17. anyway, i am not here to talk about my winter depression in may.

oh by the way, if you are wondering why i am talking in such a strange way, i have been watching "pride and prejudice" for the last 2 hours. so forgive me! :)

visiting places is an interesting thing. just the simple action of traveling, and even if it's just to the next little village, gives you a different perspective on things. walking through streets, looking into shop windows and looking at local people sitting in a cafe drinking coffee. everything is fresh and looks like a theatre to you, that you have never seen before. everyone is an actor and every scenery is stage setting. you are intrigued, "is this how this place works?"
this freshness brings a special kind of consumerism to you. you drink fancy stuff, you try fancy food and you buy fancy stuff in a shop, which exists everywhere else. but all of it is special to you, because you bought it from a play.
it is the intention of traveling and the freshness of the place, that bring a certain specialness to everything you see, touch and taste.

i have come to get used to life here. if you live somewhere, it doesn't really matter if you like it or not. you are just there. and you do your thing, which is called life.

i am looking forward to this academic year's end. the end of first year, the end of first year at uni. when i look at it now, it doesn't seem that special anymore. yes university, yes england and yes everything else.
what i look forward to again is change. change is finishing my exams and just enjoying whatever i am doing, without thinking about the next exam, the next essay, the next lecture. i look forward to going to paris. i look forward to going to devon to see magnus' home. and then, finally, i am looking forward to go home. it sounds like it is something really boring. but it is not, it is so exciting.
and even if it's still far away, and i hardly think about it, i do look forward to my second year at uni, my second year in england and my second year with my boyfriend.

being at one place, makes you look differently at another one. in a positive or negative way, either way, it is different. and it makes you realise where you have been and what life you are living now.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Hab mal grad durch gescrollt, hab den Blog hier ja seit Januar oder so nicht mehr gelesen, weil ich den Link irgendwie verlegt hatte...
Ärgere mich grade sehr, dass ich nicht früher nach dem Link geguckt hab, hätte so einiges gerne kommentiert und diskutiert, wie z.B. den baader meinhof komplex oder unileben oder wie es in Aachen krass viel geschneit hat und ich aber allen erzählt hab,d ass es hier nie schneit...
Mist. ._____.
Ina, du kannst hier so viel schreiben, wie du willst. ich mag es, deine Einträge zu lesen, weil sie anders sind - du zählst die lustigsten Dinge auf und freust dich über Sachen, die anderen nicht mal auffallen. Es bringt mich wiederum zum lachen und manchmal zum nachdenken... und ich versuc, mich zu bessern. Wirklichwirklichwirklich.
okay, it's been like forever I posted anything, and I do feel sorry for it.
Ina, I was talking about growing up meaning losing some friends' constant presence, because the world is huge (at least geographically) and I do not have the money to be jetsetting around.

Time is also a factor. I seem to spent less and less time online, and mostly just feel... iit's a mixture of lethargic and restlessness. I wander around in the room and can't concentrate on anything, really, and I just can't get my lazy arse up to look up the link to this blog, e.g., or te write anything, even in my LJ. It's not that I haven't anything to say, even though anything I say right now might be mushy, sounding revoltingly smitten and couldn't be used against me in court.

I figure that I'm a better friend in rl and via mail or blog, because I really, really need incentives to write.. such as the speech you provided months ago which I just now read, Ina...
... And yep, u guessed it, I'm sorry. Not that it helps.

So, life's busy here with university, and while I had plannend to take some exams in advance, I think it won't do. I am surrounded by people who are both chilled and still ambitious. (Yes, full of contradictions today..) and I kinda feel pressured, because I am lazy and still want to have good marks, so I am pressed to convince myself to work which in itself is an effort. Why are guys so intelligent and I have to work to keep up?? I kinda feel inferior a lot of times, especially when it comes to maths... And my sense of screwed up pride kinda makes me unwilling to ask P., who is definitely better.
And dude, he's my boyfriend and I feel too unsure to ask. So I present myself as a complete idiot. Who's hesitating to work with others because she fears she cannot keep up.
Hear me whine. And it's making sense in my mind....

Other thing is the relationship which is still progressing too fast when u ask me. Thing is, I think that and still don't want to stop. .... ...... ...... Ina, remember you going on about being horny? ... .___. *nodnodnodnod* enough said. It's not all happy wen it comes to me, but we haven't had any real altercations yet, I'm just asking for it at times because I can't stop teasing him and he's easily annoyed by it. -.-# Lisa's heard of it already. And I'm stupid. Like how I felt stupid for feeling disappointed that I didn't get a tree.
Apparently, I've also changed, and I don't think it's only because of the relationship, even though it was definitely a trigger of some sorts.
Still can't really believe it's working, and asking myself how long it will hold.
Talked the other day with Nora, and curiously, she kinda thinks the same. Which amazes me... because we all see her and F. growing old, right?

Aachen is still boring.. cold.... prone to rain and misery. But Lisa is back here. And soon, you will be too, Ina.... :D so looking forward to hanging out with you two and gossiping and being silly.
I am moving, btw. Should be stressed.. but I'm not. And my bf makes a better (as in more efificient and experienced) cleaning-lady than I do.